Sunday, December 22, 2013

Supervolcano under Yellowstone Bigger Than Expected

I thought this was fascinating. When I first went to Washington state, I remember absolutely being fascinated with all of the beautiful volcanoes in the region. That was a few months after first seeing Dante's Peak for the first time.

Volcanoes are truly fascinating, and the extent of the damage and devastation that they can wreak on a landscape is truly staggering! Even Mt. St. Helen's, which was a relatively small volcano, did an unbelievable amount of damage!

The biggest volcanic eruptions these days tend to be around Indonesia and the Philippines, but those are not actually the biggest volcanoes. There are things called "supervolcanoes". Three of them, actually.

And the biggest one is right under Yellowstone National Park. It has been dormant for a long time, but is actually overdue for an eruption. It is so huge, that an eruption would literally change life as we know it. i heard that if it did explode, it would be so loud, that it would be heard literally around the world.

Imagine that!

And now, this article that suggests that it may even be larger than originally believed! Here is the link:

"Supervolcano under Yellowstone larger than previously thought, could doom mankind: The last major eruption 640,000 years ago covered North America with ash and affected the climate of the entire planet. An eruption today would be catastrophic for the entire planet." by Travis Gettys Friday, December 13, 2013 13:31 EST

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