Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Look At Star Wars Old & New

So, yes, it is no secret that many fans of Star Wars, myself included, were quite a bit disappointed with some aspects of the last trilogy, the prequels to the original movies.

That also means that there are lingering fears about whether or not this next series of  movies will be done right, and add to the Star Wars legacy, or whether the movies will prove to be a disappointment, and again detract from the Star Wars legacy.

It is a big gamble, on some level. The risks of some kind of epic failure are strong, and Lucas cannot give into temptation and flirt with any faux pas. such as inviting a boys band to take acting roles in these movies, or having anything remotely like the irritating, and much loathed, Jar Jar Binks character.

If he is going to do this, and add to the legacy, he needs to do it right.

Here is a link to an article on the progress of the movie, and a glimpse as to whether or not this movie is, indeed, being done correctly:

"Lucasfilm Gets Its 'Star Wars' Stories Straight (Time to Bid Adieu to Zombies, Wookiee Holidays and Killer Rabbits)" by Bryan Enk, January 8, 2014, Yahoo Movies:

And now, finally, here is a link to some never before seen pictures from the original Star Wars trilogy, taken (and narrated) by actor Peter Mayhew, who played Chewbacca:

"Chewbacca Actor Peter Mayhew Unloads Stockpile of Star Wars Set Photos" ROBERT T. GONZALEZ on IO9STAR WARS, January 7, 2014: 96,344gL

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