Thursday, April 17, 2014

Whatever Happened to Those on "The Wonder Years"?

Remember that show "The Wonder Years"?

I remember it airing when I was about the same age that the kids on that show were, as I attended middle school more or less at the same time as they were doing so on the show.

The first episode aired after Super Bowl XXII, and the series was a huge hit for a while. And yes, like this piece on suggests, I had a crush on the fictional Winnie Cooper (didn't we all?). She actually reminded me of the real life girl who I had a crush on back then, who bore some resemblances to "Winnie Cooper", with long hair and a kind of flat face (I mean that not in a negative way or anything), and very pretty eyes.

Ah, the memories!

In any case, here was a little piece on that show that I found entertaining and fun, to see where the famous faces from that show are now, and what they look like. The mother still looks incredible, even after all these years!

Here is the link:

"The Cast of "The Wonder Years" Then and Now" published by

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