Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Animals "House of the Rising Sun": Half a Century Old!

Fifty years ago, the Animals recorded "House of the Rising Sun" in one take!

Eric Burdon's gruff vocals were described in various terms over the course of the years, and even though this song is not original to the Animals, it is both the song for which they are most famous, and their version has come to be the most famous - hell, even the defining version of the tune.

Half a century since they did their version of a song that would make history, and would catapult them to fame and rock history! The band had a rocky, tumultuous past, with repeated break ups and reunions, and probably did not reach their full potential, the way that they should have.

Yet, they remain influential, and their loyal fans have stuck with them (myself included).

So, in this blog entry: I honor fifty years of "House of the Rising Sun" by the Animals!

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