Sunday, September 21, 2014

Some News on Stephen King on His 67th Birthday!

Well, for the next few hours at least, it is still Stephen King's birthday!

Since he is one of my very favorite authors, I thought it appropriate to devote a blog entry as a kind of chance to wish him a happy birthday, as well as to provide an update to fellow fans on what's going on with him lately.

So, here we go:

This first link is simply an article mention that today, September 21st, happens to be Stephen King's birthday:

Stephen King Turns 67 Years Old Today by Joe Comicbook, September 21, 2014:

This one was a cool link that I thought many people, including fans (hopefully) might get a kick out of, in which all of his novels are summarized in 140 characters or less! Pretty cool idea, or belittling?

Every Stephen King Novel Summarized in 140 Characters or Less COLUMN BY MAX BOOTH III SEPTEMBER 19, 2014

News of "yet another" Stephen king movie to be produced on CBS:

Yet another Stephen King adaptation coming to CBS

Here is an article that suggests that Stephen King's political beliefs are, apparently, annoying and offensive to some people. Many of the complaints have been from conservative readers who allegedly are shocked - Shocked! - at his apparently liberal views. Get over it. Quite frankly, anyone who has read a lot of his books and doesn't get the sense that he is not a conservative is, let's be honest, rather clueless. In any case, here is the "shocking" news that Stephen King not only has opinions, but is willing to voice them (Gasp!):

Horror Author Stephen King Annoys Fans With Insulting Political Tweets on Immigration 466 Shares By Soopermexican

A "real-life" Pennywise the Clown in England (as if they were not haunted enough this past week with the possibility of Scottish secession!). I actually heard about this before, and think I may actually have posted something about this, although I don't even really remember anymore:

This "Real-Life Pennywise" is Stalking the Streets of Northampton by Lucy O'Brien, 16 Sept, 2013:

And a lighter link, just for laughs:

Stephen King vs Edgar Allan Poe. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 3. posted by ERB:

Finally, a Bonus not specific to Stephen King, but interesting to any writers or prospective writers that seemed appropriate to share here:

Writer Quotes:

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