Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Wonder Years Cast 25 Years Later

I ran into this article last week, and simply forgot to publish it.

This is all about the cast of The Wonder Years, the popular 80's show that had a very different feel from other comedy shows. I believe it was the first regular comedy series not to feature either live audience or track laughter, which frankly, was rather refreshing.

Also, there was a kind of sweet subtle feel about the program. It was more thoughtful, and thought out, than most televisions shows were at that time. I remember feeling that I could relate to the sibling rivalry existing between Kevin and his older brother Wayne. There was one scene in particular that I still recall fondly, when Kevin's arm accidentally "crossed the line" in the middle of the backseat while they were traveling. It was so stupid, yet similar to identical arguments and battles between my brother and I back in the day. In fact, I think we still fight over it to this day!

The series was supposed to take place in the sixties and early seventies, and that nostalgia for that era was very strong back then. In a sense, it made the sixties feel more real, somehow. The only show that I can think of that makes the sixties feel more alive, if you will, would be Mad Men, although there were some movies and books (particularly books by Stephen King) where I got a similar feel for that decade that I was not yet born for, but which kind of cast a shadow over me throughout my life.

In any case, this was an interesting article that tells the story of where all of those characters are now, and how they look. I had a crush on Winnie Cooper, as pretty much all boys my age probably did. But the mom looked great, too, and she hardly looks any different now, a quarter century later! And I did not know that one of the bad guys from the Home Alone movies (the tall one with the weird hair) was the narrator's voice. Learn something new every day, right?

In any case, here is the link to the article:

TIME FLIES: The Wonder Years Cast Came of Age 26 Years Ago! by Tommy DePaoli ⋅ Posted on December 2nd, 2014,manual

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