Friday, March 6, 2015

So a Senator Walks Into Congress With a Snowball

It kind of sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, some strange take on one of those "a guy walks into a bar" routines, right?

Some asshole with a mediocre mind walks into his place of employment with snowball in February, and goes on to tell his coworkers that this snowball, and the fact that it is cold outside, is proof that the global warming "theory" is false, and just one big scam.

Now, unfortunately, it is not a joke. And this is not just some dumb cog who is barely scraping by, and who just voices his misguided grudges to whoever will listen.

Nope. No such luck.

This is a prominent government official, although he certainly sounds like a dumb cog, doesn't he?

Actually, he surely is a dumb cog, although he surely is being richly compensated for being so. After all, not only can he pass legislation that actively is destructive for the environment and accelerates the process of global warming, but he has even gone so far as to write a book about it, despite not being a scientist, which seems to be a point of pride among Republicans in particular.

Yes, Senator Jim Inhofe, a Republican senator from Oklahoma, thought that he would finally get the checkmate against environmental wackos and those pesky "egghead" scientists (yes, he used eggheads to describe scientists that agree with the global warming "theory") by bringing in a snowball and pointing out that, yes, the northern east coast of the United States is having a particularly cold and snowy winter.

Apparently, this was the centerpiece of his latest argument against global warming, to suggest that under his understanding of what global warming is, there surely would be no snowballs left to pick up and bring into Congress, if one is so inclined. And really, only scientifically illiterate climate deniers with money to be made by denying climate change are apt to take such a step to soundly reject the global warming "theory", right?

It would be nice for people to ask themselves what kind of mediocre minds we have in the higher echelons of the marbled halls of Congress that are running the show, wouldn't it? I mean, many of these things are so transparently stupid and corrupt, and there is just no basis in fact for denying the climate change "theory" in such a way, is there?

Yet, this is the circus act that we have gotten so used to in government, that we have someone coming into Congress, surely a man of the people, and pointing out the seeming contradiction of how it could be so cold that he could bring a snowball into Congress when there is supposed to be a global warming crisis. After all, we have to cater to the lowest common denominators, who will only see the hoax of climate change when they have to put on warm clothing and go out and shovel their driveways yet again this winter.

Way to score some points there, Senator.

One would hope that the American people will see through this, and expose this man for what he is: a fraud.

Unfortunately, that is not likely to happen.

Also, he is not only a prominent politician, but he is particularly influential in regards to matters dealing with the environment. Just one of the many, many ways that things have gotten so completely ridiculous in the American political atmosphere in recent years.

Are you surprised?

Sad state of affairs that this guy is prominent enough that a ridiculous story like this gets mentioned with such prominence, although I think the bigger story here is the mockery of the integrity, trust, and good intentions with which a high office holder is supposed to discharge such duties, versus the reality, illustrated here.

Take a look at the link to this story below:

Jim Inhofe’s snowball has disproven climate change once and for By Philip Bump February 26, 2015:

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