Sunday, May 31, 2015

Some Notable Things From My Monday

I wrote this a few weeks ago, on a particularly eventful and memorable Monday. I worked a job close to the shore, and decided not just simply to go home after my shift ended, but to spend some time at the Jersey Shore, just because I could at that point. 

It took me a bit too long to publish this, admittedly.

But here it is now:

It was not a bad Monday at all yesterday.

In fact, it was the kind of day that you want to remember for a long time, and just be appreciative of, even if it was quite unconventional.

You see, I worked my part-time overnight job, which in and of itself was not particularly thrilling, admittedly.

However, when I got off, instead of heading home, I went the other direction, against traffic, for roughly ten minutes, and got to the big destination in that area: the Jersey Shore. At least, the beginning of it.

Yes, Sandy Hook. A nice beach with some pleasant memories for me, personally. There was the high school trip (for science class) back in 1992, and the college trip in 1993. A few trips there since, including with my girlfriend and the dog (bringing the dog was a big mistake) a couple of years ago. More recently, with my son and my brother.

This trip was unique for a couple of reasons, as it was the first time that I went to the shore by myself (which was a bit strange, admittedly), and it was the first time that I literally had the beach to myself. I mean, literally no one else on the beach and, at least close to the ocean waves - no footprints, even. It looked pretty amazing!

I was going to test the waters, but it was chilly out, and the thought of taking a dip, especially when I forgot a towel and would have had to air dry. That did not sound particularly appealing, so I sat for a while, and read, looking up every now and again to look out onto the waves. Even the ocean seemed unusually empty of ships and such, which are usually very present the other times I have been by the Jersey Shore.

Finally, I did take a nap, but in the parking lot of the shore, just to avid traffic. Also, I kind of wanted to wake up to the sounds of the ocean, which I thought would be pleasant.

It was.

But it was time to get going, and so I went to the apartment first at Hillsborough, got a bit more sleep and did some writing, and then soon began to head up north, where I would pick up my son. Mondays, after all, are my day to enjoy his company, and I did.

We went hiking in the woods, enjoying a good hike in the wooded foothills, taking in views, even though one such view was of a burnt out piece of land (see pictures).

All in all, a pretty cool Monday!

A nest of caterpillars, or maybe this is some kind of a group coccoon, where they begin the process of turning into butterflies? I do not know, but it gave me the idea that perhaps I should get a few caterpillars into cages, so that we could watch the process of them converting into butterflies. Good idea, or bad?

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