Sunday, August 2, 2015

Should Wolverine Be Named After a Different Animal?

When I was a kid growing up, I really did not know all of the characters of Marvel comics as well as probably most others did.

There were some traditional, very popular super heroes that I had never heard of until I gained some familiarity with the wonderful Secret Wars series that I still have only pleasant memories of right to the present day!

Part of the pleasantness of these memories was the fact that my parents got me these (and other) comics at JFK Airport so that I would have some reading material for the long airplane ride across the Atlantic to France. As it turned out, I read and reread those comics I do not know how man times over the course of that trip to France. Hell, I even remember all of the comics that they acquired for me, in the form of the Marvel 3-Packs. There was Secret Wars issues #7-9, Transformers issues #1-3, and GI Joe issues #7, 25, and 29.

That was how I really got into both Secret Wars and GI Joe, although I had already been a fan of the Transformers for some time at that point.

And Secret Wars was my introduction to the wonderful Wolverine character, who really captured my young and vivid imagination that summer!

He became one of my favorite characters, and has remained so ever since.

One aspect of this character that fascinated me was his name. At that point, I had never actually heard of a Wolverine, and has mistakenly assumed that it was somehow associated with wolves, since that was how it sounded. Of course, in time, I knew better.

But upon stumbling on this article (see link below), it kind of made me reminiscent of those days of the summer of 1985, when thoughts of the significance of Wolverine's name and his powers weighed far more heavily on me.

What a summer! What a great Marvel character!

Here is the link:

 Was Wolverine the Most Accurate Name Choice for Logan? This Fan Says No Way! by Kristin Lai ⋅ Posted on July 31st, 2015:

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