Monday, September 7, 2015

Billionaire Urges "Fellow Billionaires" to Wake Up Before It Is Too Late

I am not entirely certain whether or not I actually published this already, and if this is effectively a repeat, then apologies.

However, this one bears repeating, anyway.

This is one billionaire in the United States who knows and understands the relentless and blind exploitation of the rest of us by the billionaire class that he belongs to.

He is trying to speak to them, to talk sense into them. To make them understand that this will not work, that simple mathematics should tip them off that these policies will inevitably fail, that they cannot succeed. You cannot make life increasingly difficult for the vast majority and not expect some kind of rebellion or other at some point in time.

It is good to see that someone among the very elites is awake, alert, and understands what is going on, and that it certainly cannot last forever.

Of course, he has been criticized by advocates of the present economic system, which is failing us. Some people absolutely want to go down with the ship.

But if this economic system is a ship, it is starting to resemble the Titanic, both in terms of reputation and opulence, as well as what appears to be the inevitable fate, despite some prior predictions that nothing could ever stop or sink this ship.

Everywhere you look, things are failing and falling apart, and people are becoming restless and hopeless, and with good reason.

Right now, the billionaire class are the ones who exert the most influence and, if they so desired, they could change things before we reach the breaking point, much like with global warming/climate change. If they wanted to, they could.

Yet, I am not holding my breath for it, personally.

Let us remain hopeful that a calamity can still be averted, and let us listen to the voices of those, like this elite billionaire, who understands all too well that the law of averages is beginning to work against the billionaires who already indulge in excess and immorality, and still want more.

This system is unsustainable, and we all need to recognize that, perhaps especially the billionaires. Let us hope that this message by one of their own reaches their ears, and that they do not simply close themselves off to it.

Below is the link to the article:


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