Thursday, December 21, 2017

Ted Cruz Tries to Take on Luke Skywalker & Gets Taken Down Instead

Donald Trump is surely the most maddening, irritating politician that I have ever known, although there was someone who gave him a serious run for the money during last year's contest for the Republican Presidential nomination.

That would be Ted Cruz.

Cruz has a face that seems almost to betray his arrogance and holier than thou kind of preachiness.  His approach has always been that he knows best, and that you just kind of need to sit down, shut up, and listen.

Except that his ideas are predictable, and predictably backwards. After all, he is a loud and proud member of the Tea Party contingent, and so he believes in certain things, like trickle down economics. And he believes in using religion as a mask for hatred, and he is not big on science. In other words, he is a proud Republican.

Recently, Cruz took exception to Mark Hamill's response to Ajit Pai's ridiculous video, where he dressed up like Santa Claus and mentioned all of the things that he felt sure people could still do on the internet, after he and two other unelected men took it upon themselves to kill net neutrality. Imagine, dressing up as Santa after handing corporations such power over our access to the internet, as if he gave us all a big gift!

Well, Hamill tore into him, and his take down of Pai went viral. It received a lot of attention, including from me, because I wrote a blog entry about it yesterday. But it also got the attention of Ted Cruz, and he wrote a patronizing little note towards Hamill, getting his name wrong in the process, and basically taking a lecturing tone. Here was his message to Hamill:

@HammillHimself Luke, I know Hollywood can be confusing, but it was Vader who supported govt power over everything said & done on the Internet. That's why giant corps (Google, Facebook, Netflix) supported the FCC power grab of net neutrality. Reject the dark side: Free the net! …  1:25 PM - Dec 17, 2017

Well, it did not take Hamill long to respond to that one, either. He took some swipes at Cruz being apparently unable to spell Hamill's name right, and he thanked Cruz for "smarm-splaining" his political viewpoints. Here is Hamill's response, which to my knowledge, Cruz never answered:

Thanks for smarm-spaining it to me @tedcruz I know politics can be confusing, but you'd have more credibility if you spelled my name correctly. I mean IT'S RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU! Maybe you're just distracted from watching porn at the office again❤️-mh …  2:22 PM - Dec 17, 2017

You know, I did not feel that Mark Hamill was able to get the heroic Luke Skywalker that he wanted in this latest Star Wars chapter, "The Last Jedi." But he seems willing to fight a heroic fight against corporate shills, and the greedy, smarmy politicians who defend them in real life!

Impressive! Most impressive!

It’s officially on between Ted Cruz and a “Star Wars” actor after this brutal tweet Patrick McMahon, December 17, 2017:

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