Saturday, February 10, 2018

Child Marriages and Rape of Young Girls Are Not Restricted to Isolated Third World Nations, But Exist in the United States, As Well

Here is another dark underbelly aspect of American society today.

This is an article about a woman who was raped and became pregnant, yet married before she was even a teenager!

We are not talking about some Middle Eastern country that sticks with very strict, backwards traditions here. This is the United States, which is supposed to be a beacon of modern living and thinking, and with laws to protect people from these kinds of things - especially children.

Yet, it often is not nearly enough, and we are starting to hear about stories like this more and more frequently. 

Take a read by following on the link below:

Sherry Johnson was raped, pregnant and married by 11. Now she's fighting to end child marriage in America by Moni Basu, January 31, 2018:

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