Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Today is π (Pi) Day!

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Yes, today is Pi Day. It actually happens to be the 30th anniversary of Pi Day, in fact, as it was first recognized in 1988. 

As we surely all learned in school, Pi (3.141592653589793238 is a circle's circumference to a diameter. The number goes on endlessly. 

Of course, as a rule, mathematicians and others in the geeky world who actually recognize this holiday are having a field day with all sorts of jokes and references and such.

So in that spirit, it seemed like a good idea to publish a little something on Pi. Since I personally have very limited things to say about Pi, not being much of a mathematician myself, I did the next best thing, and added some links to a couple of very interesting articles on Pi.

The first is from Time, and gives a good history of Pi, and the significance of this number on down the ages. The second is a little bit more provocative, suggesting that we should stop celebrating Pi, and recognize Tau instead. 

You be the judge. Here are the links to the two articles:

Today Is the 30th Anniversary of Pi Day. Here's What You Should Know About the Irrational Number by ELI MEIXLER Updated: March 14, 2018:

Stop celebrating Pi Day, and embrace Tau as the true circle constant 52 Pi Day is a lie day By Chaim Gartenberg@cgartenberg  Mar 14, 2018:

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