Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Jeb Bush Claims He's His Own Man, But Blames Dems for Iraq & Appoints Wolfowitz

There came a point during the years of the George W. Bush presidency when there was so much transparency with regards to the blatant lies of the administration, particularly regarding the ill-fated Iraq war, that it became virtually laughable. Indeed, it would have been funny, if it were not so damn sad.

Before the 2000 election, Bush and his team claimed to hold the environment dear, and to be strong in combating carbon emissions. He was going to be the environmental president. Two months after taking office, he lowered those standards, claiming "new research" as the justification for this. They were going to establish a new energy policy, but kept this secret from the public. They kept a lot of things secret from the public right from the first, and it did not take long for the first major corporate scandal of many to hit headlines early in 2001, with the whole Enron thing.

They claimed that Iraq had piles of weapons of mass destruction (WMD's), and that Saddam Hussein had virtual superpower like capabilities, and thus posed an immediate and urgent threat to world peace. They also claimed that the war in Iraq would be won quickly and easily. They claimed that it was not at all about oil, but about spreading democracy to the world, and ending tyranny. They also claimed that putting up new detention centers, or concentration camps, was necessary and crucial in collecting valuable data for the "War on Terror." They claimed that Americans had too many freedoms.

Yes, the Bush regime claimed a lot of things, and lost credibility the world over as time went on. Bush left office as one of the most unpopular and discredited presidents in history.

There has been a collective amnesia in the United States since, as many people who were very critical of the Bush administration back then now ask "Miss me yet?" with a picture of W. smiling that idiotic smile.

Perhaps that is why Jeb Bush, brother to W. and son to George H. W. Bush, now feels comfortable making claims while taking actions that, for all intents and purposes, automatically refute those claims.

His brother made a lot of claims while president, as did his father before him. Remember that Bush Senior promised no new taxes, and 20 million new jobs. He also said that he would be the environmental president.

People were tired of the Bush political dynasty by 2008, sick and tired as the country was of George W. Bush. But in the six years and change since, the Bushes seem to be back to a level of acceptability which, quite frankly, is stunning for anyone with anything remotely resembling an attention span.

Here is Jeb, claiming that he will be his own man, and trying to show that he will not simply be a clone of his brother. Yet, there he is, praising his brother's term in office. There he is, blaming Clinton and Obama for the mess in Iraq, somehow conveniently forgetting his brother's role in starting the quagmire, and exacerbating an already bad situation with his trademark mixture of arrogance and ignorance. There he is, appointing Wolfowitz to his foreign policy team. Wolfowitz, of course, was one of the architects of the disastrous Iraq war.

For God's sake, wake up, America! The Bushes have been horrendous for the country, and just about the last thing that we need is another Bush in office!

When Jeb speaks, Jeb lies. He has already shown the same capacity for buffoonery that his brother was so well known for. Unfortunately, he also shows the same capacity for treachery as well, spewing lies about who is responsible for the Iraq mess. Make no mistake about it: the blame first and foremost goes to George W. Bush and his administration, as well as to prominent politicians like Jeb who supported the war.

And remember, it was Jeb who was in charge in Florida during that whole 2000 election debacle, and Jeb who helped his brother assume the White House, despite losing the election!

It almost feels like they are laughing at us, mocking us.

Let us not forget the detrimental impact of this Bush dynasty by making sure that, once and for all, we close the book on the Bush dynasty once and for all. Do not believe the lies, for this man has nothing to say that will actually improve the country. Not one thing. He cannot be believed, and has shown this repeatedly already. Do not give him the opportunity to spread lies on a much wider scale, and to have the entire world once again scratching their head and wondering just what the hell is wrong with Americans, anyway.

This emperor wears no clothes.

Jeb Bush sees disaster in Iraq, blames Obama and Clinton 08/12/15 08:01 AM—UPDATED 08/12/15 02:40 PM facebook twitter 4 save share group 107 By Steve Benen

Jeb Bush says Paul Wolfowitz is a foreign-policy adviser By Steve Goldstein, Aug 14, 2015:

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