Saturday, August 15, 2015

Our Universe is Slowly Dying

This was a huge story, where we learned definitively what scientists have long suspected: that this universe is slowly but surely dying.

I thought that this was fascinating, yet also a bit sobering.

Here is the link to the story:

'The Universe is slowly dying,' study shows with unprecedented precision by Ben Brumfield, CNN, August 11, 2015


  1. I read that article. Fascinating, yes. Sobering? I'd say the following prevents me from seeing it that way: "But don't cry for the universe anytime soon. Astrophysicists say this will take trillions of years." In other words, I'd advise against, say, sending your electric company an e-mail that reads "I'll no longer be paying my electric bill. What difference does it make at this point – the Universe is slowly dying". ;-)

  2. Sobering, yes. We all know that we personally are going to die. But however far off it might be, the idea that everything that we know will end is, indeed, sobering. Nothing lasts forever becomes more than just a saying, even if this is trillions of years off.
