Saturday, January 14, 2017

With Trump Soon to Be President, Arizona Lawmaker Attacks Free Speech

Ah, yes. It has begin already, the attack on some basic rights guaranteed in the constitution. Donald Trump attacked freedom of the press, and suggested that the media simply had too many freedoms. In his recent joke of a press conference, he refused to take questions from certain news sources, and he apparently filled the place up with vocal supporters. This is beginning to sound like the move towards neo-fascism is not a joke or some exaggeration, but an outright strategy.

And now this: a lawmaker from Arizona is proposing to make discussions on white privilege and social justice in general a crime punishable by removing state funding for those universities. 

A legalized form of blackmail, in other words. Make sure not to talk about these topics, or else!

Here is the article for this pathetic story, which is just one more sad reminder of the unbelievable times that we live in:

KING: Arizona lawmaker proposes new bill banning classes or events discussing social justice on college campuses by Shaun King, January 13, 2017:

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