Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Trump State of the Union Typically Filled with Lies and Misleading, Self-Serving Nonsense

"American are dreamers, too!"

~ Donald Trump

Yup, they sure are. After all, they collectively elected Donald Trump, thinking he might be a good president, when all of the evidence pointed to the contrary. Certainly, tens of millions of Americans currently are asleep, and dreaming that this clown is doing is stand up job at the White House.

Now, we have him in the Oval Office, and the reality is hardly a dream. Rather, it has become a nightmare.

How bad is it?

Well, I have mentioned some things here before. It is a source of embarrassment, to me as an American, that this man does not believe in science and, moreover, actively mocks it. He pulled us out of the Paris Accord, claimed that we could use a bit of that "global warming" when it was cold earlier this winter, he slapped some extra fees on solar panels, made it easier for American waters to be polluted, made it much easier to have offshore drilling throughout most of the country, and shrank the size of national parks to benefit private interests. It also embarrasses me that he proudly displays his astonishing levels of ignorance, such as when he praised the healthcare system of a non-existent nation, Nambia, referred to many African nations, as well as Haiti and El Salvador, as "shithole nations," and threatened to wipe an entire nation off the map before the United Nations around International Peace Day. European leaders made public announcements, within hours of meeting with Trump, that they no longer felt that they could count on the United States as a reliable partner.  And he suggested that he had spoken to the President of the Virgin Islands, even though since this is an American territory, he is the President there. It is more than enough to make you want to cover your face as you grimace.

Of course, there is that whole racism/sexism thing, his backward and divisive immigration policy that clearly favors northern Europeans over everyone else, and that damn wall, which he promised to make Mexico pay for, but could not deliver. But then again, he made a lot of promises that he did not keep, including not playing golf, bringing back all of those jobs for the coal industry, being the greatest job creator in history, and of course, the whole transparency issue, which includes but is not limited to releasing his taxes and divorcing himself from his companies, both things which he promised to do.

Still, his supporters give him a pass, despite all of these glaring examples of his failure as a leader.

As if all of that were not enough, there are all of those embarrassing things, particularly his Tweets. Daily humiliating news from his ridiculous tweets, and the staggeringly unstable situation with White House chaos, as it looks like a revolving door job site since Trump took over.

Still, his supporters give him a pass, despite all of these glaring examples of his failure as a leader.

Then, of course, there are the elitist economic policies. These are not actually radically different than other recent Presidents, but he just takes them to greater extremes. His tax scam, which benefits the wealthiest Americans, at the expense of everyone else (the vast majority of Americans).

Still, his supporters give him a pass, despite all of these glaring examples of his failure as a leader.

Through all of that, Trump relentlessly gives himself credit for everything good, while taking the blame for nothing. Of course, he continues to praise his own leadership, his own intelligence as a "very stable genius," and his own expertise in every conceivable field of human knowledge.

More of that "winning" that then candidate, and now President, Trump was talking about during the election season, but has failed to deliver once he obtained office. Just another in a very long list of easily demonstrable broken promises and downright lies.

Still, his supporters give him a pass, despite all of these glaring examples of his failure as a leader.

Last night, Trump delivered his first official State of the Union. He claimed that the state of the union was very strong, promised to push for greater spending for an infrastructure overhaul, and of course called for strengthening borders.

Of course, in typical Trump fashion, it appealed to his base, while turning off everyone else. These trends only seem to be strengthening in this country, which is probably more divided than I have ever seen it before.

Take a look at the map of Trump's approval ratings by state. His approval rating is highest in West Virginia, even though he could not fulfill his promise of bringing back all of those coal jobs. Go figure. His approval rating is lowest in Vermont, of all places, where only 26 percent approve of the job that he is doing. Not that this is a shock, since Vermont tends to go very blue. But you might figure it would be California (29 percent), or New York (30 percent, despite this being his home state), or Massachusetts (27 percent). Technically, his approval rating is lowest in Washington, the District of Columbus, but of course, that is not a state. By and large, this map looks quite similar to the 2016 election map, with red states and blue states by and large staying right where they are. The one major exception to this would be Texas, where Trump's approval rating stands at 39 percent. However, his approval rating is surprisingly high in Maine, New Hampshire, and Nevada - all states that went blue in 2016. In the three major swing states that helped give Trump the White House, Trump's approval ratings are as follows: Ohio gives him the highest approval ratings at 45 percent, Pennsylvania gives him 42 percent, and Michigan gives him 40 percent. Overall, Trump's disapproval ratings are at 60 percent or higher in 11 states (including my home state of New Jersey!), and his approval rating is at 50 percent or higher in 11 states. Such a divided country politically! Take a look for yourself by clicking on the gallup poll link below:

Trump Is Killing the American Dream Kashana Cauley Kashana Cauley JAN. 22, 2018:

Trump's Approval Highest in West Virginia, Lowest in Vermont by Lydia Saad, January 30, 2018:

US drops to 8th on ‘best countries’ list  Admin1  January 23, 2018

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