Monday, August 13, 2012

Four Olympians Missing...

No, this does not mean that there was a security breach of some sort or another, after all.

In fact, this story is sad, but not in the captured and held in a secret location awaiting ransom kind of a way.

Evidently, there are four members of the Congo Olympic delegation that have gone missing, but it appears that they chose these games as an opportunity to make some kind of an escape from their war-torn and poverty stricken nation. In a similar story, seven Olympians from Cameroon have not returned home following the end of the games.

So, no, this is not about the tragedy of the results of some failure in security, or any such thing. But it should serve as a reminder of just how fortunate we who are privileged enough to live in relatively stable societies should feel, no matter what the problems we see around us may be. There are billions of people in this world who live in poverty, and have little to no hope of seeing their conditions improve. Perhaps, stories like these serve to remind us of how fortunate we really are, and that if we took half the time on any given day to really think about this and appreciate it, rather than fixating on what we want and do not yet have, then maybe our perspective might change enough to appreciate where we actually are in life.

Here is the link to the story:

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