Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Drowning Does Not Look the Way You Might Expect

About a year or so ago, I posted this blog entry about what drowning actually looks like (hint: it is probably not what you expect it to look like).

It is a scary topic. I have a son, and the thought of all of the threats to a child can feel really overwhelming sometimes. There are dangers everywhere, including certainly in a swimming pool, lake, or the ocean. We know about the dangers of sharks, which seem particularly pronounced this year so far. But drowning is always a danger, and it is good to try and stay informed of what it looks like, so that maybe you can spot it. 

At the bottom of this blog, I added a new piece which I encountered recently. There is a video of a drowning child, and the challenge is to see if you could spot the child before the lifeguard does. 

Drowning Does Not Look the Way You Might Expect     May 24, 2014:

Well, it's summer again! And like everyone else, I am making plans for vacations, and looking to try and get in shape for the beach (it's going to be particularly hard this year). This is the time of the year for get togethers and outdoor barbecues with friends, for burgers and hot dogs and watermelon and cold beer, enjoyed in the late afternoon/early evening, when the peak temperatures finally cool a bit.

Although we might not want to think about it, there are also possible hazards to look out for. And I read about one of them earlier this morning, and it was very scary! I watch my son sleeping as I am writing this, and just cannot imagine the thought!

Please take a moment to look at the article below, whether you have kids or not (or even if your kids are all grown up). The fact of the matter is that drowning can happen very quietly, and it does not look at all like it is portrayed on television or in the movies. There are things that you need to look out for, and again, it bears repeating, it just does not bear any resemblance to how drowning people on Baywatch and other programs were portrayed!

And when you do go out to the beach, or some lake, or even a crowded swimming pool (yes, this can happen even when there are plenty of people around, as unlikely as that might seem), please keep the signs of someone drowning in mind, particularly a child. Because nothing is more important, and you never know - you might just save a life!

Specifically, these are the five things to look out for (according to the article):

1. A drowning person very rarely calls out for help, because they don't have enough breath to do so.

2. A drowning person's mouth will keep quickly going above and below the water, and not long enough to really catch their breath.

3. A drowning person will not wave for help. Instincts kick in, and they extend their arms laterally and actually push down on the water.

4. A drowning person cannot control their arm movements, so don't expect them to wave for help.

5. A drowning person will remain upright in the water, and there will be no evidence of supporting kicks. The process before drowning generally will be 20 to 60 seconds.

Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning by Mario Vittone

Okay, so, here is the video and link that I mentioned earlier at the top of this blog entry. Here is an actual video of a swimming pool full of kids, and with one child in the process of drowning. You have to try and find the drowning kid, if possible, before the lifeguard does. This gives me new respect for lifeguards, because when I watched it, everything looked remarkably normal and peaceful. If I had not known that the idea is to spot the drowning child before the lifeguard does, then I likely would have assumed this was a simple, if a bit boring, clip of a normal day at the swimming pool, with a bunch of kids (and perhaps some adults, although I cannot see any) enjoying their time in a swimming pool.

Can You Spot The Drowning Kid In This Video Before The Lifeguard Does? by Mustafa Gatollari, June 21, 2015:

Finally, here is another link about drowning:

INVESTIGATORS: Drowning is silent by Trish Van Pilsum, May 21, 2014:

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