Monday, July 23, 2018

Trump Administration Continues Attacks Upon Obama's Affordable Care Act

Okay, so now it is time to rejoin the real world. My self-appointed break, or mini vacation, from the hard news, if you will, has come to an end. The World Cup is over, and so is Wimbledon. I wrote as much as I likely could have about the World Cup, and decided to keep a relaxed pace this weekend.

But it is Monday now, and time to face reality. A lot of bad news headlines took place while I was focused elsewhere. I did write about some of them - quite a few, admittedly - but just stayed away from that orange "Publish" button.

Most of the bad news, the depressing stories, centered on - surprise, surprise! - Donald Trump. He of course is still trying to pretend that the disastrous Helsinki summit with Putin was a rousing success, even though he himself claims to have misspoke during it when he said that he saw no reason why the election meddling would have been Russia, only to turn around the very next day, when back in the United States and no longer in Putin's presence, to have claimed that he meant to say he could see no reason why it would not be Russia, and offered some lame excuse about double negatives.

Frankly, double negatives pretty much is a good summary of his presidency, is it not?

In any case, to rejoin the world of what's going on in the world, I decided to focus on the continued relentless attacks on Obamacare/the Affordable Healthcare Act by Trump and the GOP, which seems like attacks against any efforts to more generally make healthcare costs more affordable and reasonable in this country.

In typical Trump style, grandiose promises of fixing all problems related to healthcare are quickly forgotten, and the blame game and focus on divisions is put into hyperdrive.

Apparently, Trump does not care so much about actually taking care of Americans. But he sure cares about himself and his legacy, and so he seems to believe that focusing on minimizing Obama's legacy as a competitor is the surest way to get this done. If Trump succeeds, he will get what he wants, but the country will suffer. Yet another example of Trump winning, while the entire rest of the country loses. 

Trump administration takes another major swipe at the Affordable Care Act by Amy Goldstein, July 7, 2018:

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