Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Crazy Weather Lately!

It really is so odd.

A couple of days ago (on Monday, specifically), it felt like Indian Summer. Really! I was hiking with my son, and had no jacket, yet we were both building up a sweat, to the point that I almost wished to have only worn a t-shirt, and even shorts!

Today, it was snowy and crappy all day long. The snow accumulated (although there was not really all that much by me -a couple of inches of the white stuff at most).

Still, I wanted to take the proper precautions, having watched the weather predictions on the tube, and seeing dire predictions of more snow accumulations overnight. Worse, it was supposed to possibly hail, and with temperatures plummeting, all of that precipitation that had fallen, including much rain, that would evidently be turning to ice overnight.

It was just so unusual, going from one extreme to the other, and in such little time, to boot!

Tomorrow, I will be heading northwest, to higher elevations, where there was apparently much more snow than we got further south.

My son spent the night at my grandparent's place, apparently. They had been watching him today, and nobody was able to get up there, because the roads had not been cleared yet.

I am guessing that by tomorrow the roads should be cleared, which would be good. Obviously, that would be best for my personal Thanksgiving. Certainly do not want to miss it simply because of bad weather, although weather would be a factor if it stays bad.

But it is projected to clear up.

In the meantime, hopefully, my son got some opportunity to play in the snow. He has been itching for significant snow, and even though it likely did not cost him a school day (another thing that he would surely love right now), he finally got his snow. Maybe tomorrow, we can build him that snowman that I promised him. Maybe some other stuff, too. We already had a snowball fight, the first time that there were some accumulations (it was barely anything, and the snowballs were weak as a result).

In any case, here is hoping safe traveling for everyone this Thanksgiving!

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