Monday, January 12, 2015

Is There a False Aspect to the Sudden Support of Charlie Hebdo?

So, not everyone is overly thrilled with the massive show of support and unity with Charlie Hebdo.

In fact, some are taking exception to it!

On one level, I can understand it. There is a lot of hypocrisy with everyone wearing their sudden support of freedom of expression on their sleeves now, after the shooting. Yet, without that shooting, would they agree with the idea of just how far certain publications like Charlie Hebdo would go? Had they ever picked up an issue?

And if so many now are vocal of their support for freedom of expression, would they continue to support it when it involves speech that offends them, personally?

This was an interesting and thought-provoking article, and I hope that you click on the link to it found down below:

'We vomit' on Charlie's sudden friends: staff cartoonist

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