Sunday, September 8, 2013

Bernie Sanders Fighting Back Against Koch Brothers

I am very thankful for Bernie Sanders! Although he does not represent my state (although I wish he did, because I would actually vote for him, and enthusiastically at that!), he is the only independent Senator in Washington. His allegiance is to neither the Democratic or the Republican party. And he is outspoken, and very truthful, about the sorry state of the nation as he sees it.

Sanders has been one of the most constant and informed voices speaking out for a truly better America, rather than rehearsing political lines designed to placate the population and advance one's own political (and financial?) ambitions. Far too many prominent politicians proclaim their patriotism and religion, and wear these on their sleeve. But Sanders speaks in a different way, and tries to use his influence as a US Senator to criticize those many aspects of the United States that he believes is wrong. I agree with most of what he says. In fact, I honestly cannot remember not agreeing with anything that I have heard from him. Even if I do, someday, I will respect that it is his opinion, and not merely some talking line meant at disguising the real reason that he officially holds a certain position. If you want an example of what I am talking about, one of the blog entries that I published yesterday was about a governor who proudly proclaims his staunch opposition to Obamacare, and really to any efforts at more affordable healthcare, and how his personal and professional interests are met as a result of this very opposition.

Bernie Sanders is different. As such, he is one (and perhaps the only) voice coming from the US Senate that can be trusted.

He speaks out on a wide range of issues, and the one that caught my eye for this particular blog entry was his attempts to expose the Koch Brothers, who are very, very wealthy brothers that try to exert their tremendous political influence for a very neocon agenda.

To learn more about Bernie Sanders, I have provided his official webpage, including one where you can learn more about him:

Here is an article, released just days ago (September 4, 2013) and written by John Nichols of the Capital Times, where Bernie Sanders reveals what he thinks would be a generally, and genuinely, fairer tax system for the country. He makes clear that his plan would be in the interests of the people, and not merely for special (read: corporate) interests:

“Given the fact that my suggestions represent the interests of the middle class of this country and not powerful corporate special interests, I have no problem with making them public.” 

Here is the article, where you can learn more of the specifics:

"John Nichols: Bernie Sanders has a plan for tax fairness" by John Nichols of the Capital Times, September 4, 2013:

And finally, here's the link about him exposes the Koch Brothers (Updated w/Petitions) by Leslie Salzillo:

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