Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Video You Might Not Have Stomach to Watch - A Barbaric New "Game"

I saw this video a couple of days ago, and frankly, it was difficult to watch.

Now, it seems to be trending as one of the big news items of the moment - particularly because of the shock value.

What it is, essentially, are a bunch of teenagers doing something either on a dare, or perhaps as some sort of initiation right of passage into a gang or something. Can't be sure, and I guess that is not what's important in this story.

The important thing is that these kids essentially pose a huge threat to potentially anyone and everyone that encounters them. The "game" is basically picking someone at random, and often in broad daylight, and then trying to knock them out in one punch. That may include guys, even relatively big guys, although these kids have the advantage of knowing what they are planning to do. Their victims remain unsuspecting, until that moment when they are actually hit. And this includes anybody and everybody- men and women.

This is, apparently, what passes for machismo these days.

Read this following quote from the attached link (which I encourage you to read for yourself, as well as to watch the video offered):

"It could be anybody, it could be a mother with her children. It's a macho thing." Yeah, knocking out a mom in front of her children is what is supposed to pass for manliness these days, I guess.

Knocking an unsuspecting woman - a mother in front of her kids, no less -is a potential part of this game, if the one young man so chooses it to be. The woman would literally never know what hit her. How brave of him.

Some "game", huh?

Now, I live in New Jersey, and this is one of the places - one of the many places - where this is happening. In the article, it reveals that this has been happening through much of the greater New York-New Jersey area, as well as even in St. Louis. So, this is not just some regional phenomenon. This is spreading across the nation, unfortunately.

For the most part, writing about this (and again, there is a good chance that, if you have not already, you will hear about this in the near future. 

It really makes you wonder about people. It also makes you wonder just how bad of a thing it would be if we do what almost everyone secretly expects us to do, and destroy ourselves already.

"Knockout game is killing innocent civilians"

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