Saturday, July 3, 2021

My Son's Newest Hairstyle


It has been a while since I saw my son with an entirely different hairstyle.

But recently, I had my son over at Hillsborough, and there is a barber shop in town that he really seems to like. So he asked me to take him there, because he wanted to try out a new look. Of course, I was happy to do it.

After seeing him like this for the first time, I kind of did a doubletake, admittedly. He was almost unrecognizable.

Honestly, it's not a bad look for him, and so I thought it would be worth sharing.

Here are the pictures of his new "do."


  1. It looks good. You and I have a very similar 'do to his, actually, other than the fact that the top of our heads looks a lot like his forehead does in this picture.

    1. Yes, I told him the same thing. My hair is actually longer than his hair on the sides and back. At least for now.
