Friday, August 23, 2013

UPS Blames Obamacare For Their Own Corporate Greed

I think that I must have mentioned how quite a few times on this blog by now that I am not a supporter of Obama, and generally just don't have much faith in either of the major parties in the United States, as they are both essentially controlled by the same special interests.

That said, there is one area where Obama actually enjoyed success, albeit ionly after an enormous struggle, and that would be healthcare - or as it is more often called these days, Obamacare.

The thing is, healthcare in this country is preposterous. On average, Americans spend more on healthcare expenses than their European counterparts, despite those same Europeans having what many Americans consider to be the evil system of "socialized medicine". That is to say, those countries have official price controls to keep costs affordable for their citizens. Let me be more specific on this point, so that any Americans reding this specifically can understand this: every single other industrialized nation in the world has some form or other of what is known as "socialized medicine", which makes medical coverage far more affordable than it tends to be within America's borders. After all, didn't you ever wonder why so many Americans try and get their medication from Canada?

I always wonder how Americans, who get so absurdly outraged when their President gets a blow job in the Oval Office, or when a President actually tried to make health care more affordable and accessible to more Americans, fail to get outraged when they find these huge corporations raking in enormous profits from taking advantage of the sick, and fiercely combat every effort to curb their profit making machine. How can Americans not get outraged, for example, when the same drugs made inside of American borders are sold for not just less, but for far less iin Canad (technically, that is considered overseas), and is then resold on the black market back to Americans for still cheaper than it is sold on the shelves officially?

It gets a strong reaction out of me! So, why do I sometimes feel like the only one?

One thing about this issue that Americans still don't understand is that much of the rest of the world, and particularly the rest of the industrialized world, simply cannot understand the American mindset on this issue! It truly is perplexing to them.

And why not? Healthcare is not affordable in the United States, simply put. If you are rich, of course, you are fine. If you are not, though, you run the risk of mounting enormous debts, and of possibly losing your home, your possessions, your job, and perhaps even your life, if you cannot afford the absurdly high costs.

Yet, corporations with obvious vested interests keep finding a way to win the day, arguing time and time again that what works in every single ohter industrialized nation in the world simply cannot exist in the United States, or it will ruin the nation. How dare anyone speak of making healthcare costs more affordable! Why,. if we do that, we are one step closer to becoming a fascist-socialist dictatorship! The burden on our corporations would simply be too great (never mind the burden on the American people themselves, a vast majority of whom are nowhere near rich.

Here is one interesting article about one corporation - UPS - that is blaming Obamacare and employing quite obvious scare tactics with a "wrst case scenario" assumption, to show just how detrimental Obamacare is. In this article, that assumption is refuted, and the blame is placed squarely where it should be - on corporate greed, and how this is what is truly destroying America (as it has been doing for a long time now).

Again, let me reiterate: I am not a huge fan of President Obama, and have found his presidency to be largely disappointing (but predictable). For that matter, I am not even the biggest supporter of Obamacare, because I don't believe it goes nearly far enough towards fixing the healthcare crisis in the United States, and making it more affordable overall. But it is an improvement over what the nation had before and, as such, deserve support. The knee jerk reactionary criticisms have proven preposterous, self-serving, and detrimental to the interests of the nation, and they need to be exposed as such. This article tries to address this. Here is the link:

"UPS Falsely Blames Obamacare, Not Corporate Greed, For Dropping Spousal Insurance" by: Egberto Willies, August 22, 2013:

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