Saturday, July 4, 2015

Secret of the Incas

So, I happened by chance to run across this movie on Youtube. Did not have the chance just yet to actually watch this, although when I googled it, it seemed to get a lot of praise. Also, there seems to be some parallels to Indiana Jones, and it would appear (although I am guessing here) that this movie probably influenced the writers of Indiana Jones on some level.

The story line seems to suggest something along the lines of an Indiana Jones movie as well. Two rival explorers go searching out an ancient jewel that is reputed to have caused the Incan Empire to collapse when it was taken, although returning it would restore the Incan Empire to greatness once again.

Sounds interesting!

It stars Charleton Heston, Thomas Mitchell, and Nicole Maurey.


  1. SECRET OF THE INCAS is my all-time favourite movie. I can understand why Spielberg "borrowed" the Charlton Heston character, Harry Steele, to create Indiana Jones.

  2. Thank you, James. Yes, I was struck by the similarities between Harry Steele and Indiana Jones, and enjoyed the movie!
