Saturday, September 9, 2017

Rush Limbaugh Rails Against Liberal "Fear and Panic" of Hurricanes, Then Evacuates Wealthy Florida Home as Hurricane Irma Approaches

Another Trump sort, Rush Limbaugh, is suggesting that Hurricane Irma is a big left-wing conspiracy, aimed at trying to hype up fear of climate change. Like a typical climate change denier, Limbaugh, who reminds me of a sort of cross between Hermann Göring and Joseph Goebbels, is basically telling everyone not to worry, that this hurricane, and all of the recent worries from the destructiveness of hurricanes, is all greatly overblown. It is all just some part of several big libtard conspiracy theories, and we should basically ignore the warnings, which are of course not to be believed. 

Oh, and in a totally unrelated story, Limbaugh fled his multi-million dollar southern Florida home purchased by the loads of money that he receives promoting his political extremist propaganda, apparently because of the fast approach of Hurricane Irma. 

Yes, that's right: he talks about the hurricane being a phony, a fake news story, yet he refuses to put his money where his mouth is and stay in his home when the hurricane is projected to hit this weekend.

Shocker, huh? This man is a damn coward, and always has been. He strongly pined for war, but could not be bothered to put the microphone away from his big mouth and go off to fight in the wars that he professes to so strongly believe in - particularly Iraq. And, of course, he is afraid of the truth, although he himself would suggest otherwise, and loudly claims to be forever in pursuit of the truth.

Yeah, right.

And now, of course, he is literally outright running away from the very thing that he is telling people is an overblown threat. Can you imagine this level of blatant stupidity and irresponsibility? It boggles the imagination!

What is it about these ridiculous con men that so many people - mostly white men - simply cannot see through? It really is getting to be like a bad joke!

Rush Limbaugh Says Hurricane Irma Is Conspiracy, Evacuates Anyway by Jenna Amatulli, September 8, 2017:

Rush Limbaugh evacuates Florida home after floating unfounded theories about Hurricane Irma by Oliver Darcy   @CNNMoney September 8, 2017:

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