Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Israel Starts Readying For Removal of African Migrants

This story is enough to raise some eyebrows, surely, because it sounds, frankly, a bit racist, and it also seems to contradict the notion that many Jews had of being victims to countries closing off immigration into their countries. 

Obviously, during World War II, many Jews were killed because numerous nations - all around the world, really - shut their doors to them, forcing them to return to Nazi Germany during the time of Hitler and unbelievable persecution. This was true persecution. not the so-called persecution that evangelical Christians seem to whine about every holiday season, with the "war on Christianity" that only they see all around them. There might not be a real war on Christianity, but there certainly was a war against the Jews, with Hitler outright announcing his desire to rid Germany, and indeed Europe, of Jews. To that end, they built death camps, where Jews were systematically exterminated, and they also killed millions on the eastern battlefronts, gathering the Jews from villages that they had overtaken, and killing them, burying them in mass graves. To this day, I am not entirely sure that each of these mass graves have been found. 

Since then, of course, many people, including Jews, have argued that the closed door policy on Jewish immigrants fleeing persecution by Hitler and the Nazis could have been saved, and that the narrow-minded approach was responsible for many Jews being killed who otherwise might have led productive lives elsewhere.

Well now, the tables have turned, obviously. Israel is now one of the wealthy nations which enjoys a high standard of living, and it is now turning away immigrants, closing the door on immigration into Israel.

These are poor workers, trying to escape the lack of opportunity in their own countries, and hoping for a better life elsewhere. Israel offers that, or rather, could offer that. However, Israel is now shutting it's doors, as well. Perhaps Netanyahu feels empowered to do this, now that Trump is in power in Washington, with his infamously (or famously, if you support him) anti-immigration views and policies.

It seems that the world is growing more polarized, and that it is not just a phenomenon hitting the United States or the United Kingdom. There is a wave of nationalist feeling in Europe, and Israel seems to be swept in the wave of fear and/or hatred towards those perceived as "the outsiders."

Strange times we live in.

Israel begins telling African migrants to leave by AFP, February 5, 2018:


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