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With the recent release of The Force Awakens, every Star Wars fan seemed to get back into the mode of knocking the prequels, which is often times exaggerated.
That said, I will say what I have said before regarding The Phantom Menace: Jar Jar Binks is most likely the worst character in major motion picture history, and he basically ruined the movie. Yes, the movie had problems beyond that, but they could have been fixed with some relatively minor adjustments.
But Jar Jar? There was no fixing that. He was a horrible character, and you just cannot get past him when watching The Phantom Menace. And so, he came to represent the perceived failure of that movie in the popular imagination. There is no other symbol of those movies that represents the disappointment felt by fans than the image of Jar Jar Binks, who also perhaps is the most hated character in major movie history.
That is unfortunate, given that the movie really could have lived up to much greater potential. After all, it featured Yoda, Obi Wan Kenobi, a very young Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, R2-D2, and C-3PO. Think back to the year 1999, just before the movie was released, and think of what those names meant then.
The question would have been, how could you possibly go wrong.
In one name: Jar Jar Binks.
Frankly, he should have been the one killed at the end of the movie, and not Darth Maul, who was actually one of the best villains in the Star Wars canon, and should have been kept through at least one or two more movies.
A lot of hype surrounded the most recent movie, and expectations were high - perhaps impossibly high. That was probably the case with The Phantom Menace, as well.
Not that it needed it, but what if The Phantom Menace had enjoyed a trailer that looked as enticing as the ones that teased fans prior to the release of The Force Awakens?
Well, someone actually did that, creating an enticing trailer for what, frankly, proved to be a subpar, and largely unwatchable, movie. Indeed, it is a good trailer, and makes you want to see the movie again....until you remember the reason why you never, ever look forward to seeing the entire movie.
Thanks, Jar Jar.
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace gets an amazing Force Awakens-style trailer By Huw Fullerton, 7 February 2016:
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