Thursday, December 12, 2024

One Ohio Sheriff’s Lieutenant Posted a Claim That He ‘Won’t Help Democrats’ Just Prior to Election

For whatever the reason, I never did quite get around to publishing this, even though it is now over a month old.

Yet, it was still quite revealing as to the extent and nature of the political divide in the United States presently. 

This story was about a sheriff’s lieutenant in Ohio who posted on some social media platform that he would refuse to help Democrats.

Can you imagine the mindset one must to hold such a position, and then to actually post something like this? What about if a known Democrat has some kind of medical emergency, and needs this officer's help to stay alive? What happens if a known Democrat needs that kind of medical assistance after some kind of terrible accident, or such? 

Now it should be noted that the officer in question did issue an apology. I guess the backlash allowed him to get an epiphany that this was far from the height of professional conduct, or something like that. Suddenly, he received enlightenment, but only after a very public backlash, as this story became national news.

Still, it feels like this is telling as to the toxic political climate and divide in this country presently. 

If we are to be an actual nation, it seems to me that we are going to need to get past this kind of a mentality.

Ohio sheriff’s lieutenant apologizes for ‘won’t help Democrats’ post, blaming sleep medication Updated 4:44 PM EST, November 4, 2024 Share SPRINGFIELD, Ohio (AP) —

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