Sunday, December 8, 2024

Honoring the Memory & Enduring Spirit of John Lennon on the Anniversary of His Assassination


Today is the anniversary of the death of John Lennon. He was shot down in front of The Dakota (the building where he lived) in New York City on this day in 1980. 

The death of John Lennon is one of my earliest memories of actual news events in my lifetime. Also, since both of my parents, and other adults that figured prominently in my life while a child, either had been into the Beatles or still very much were, the music of the Beatles, as well as Lennon's solo works, were pretty huge for me. I loved their music and their history, as well as their message. This was most likely the case with Lennon in particular. My father even carved Lennon's caricature on a piece of wood, and was hugely influenced by Lennon. He still recalls the one time that he saw Lennon in New York City.

So, there are two links to articles on Lennon here.

The first one is a nice article overall, with CNN reflecting on the ex-Beatle, as well as solo musician in his own right, and noted peace activist.

The second one is about this particular anniversary being recognized this year at Strawberry Fields in New York City, not far from the spot where he was killed.

I have been to Strawberry Fields  a couple of time, and visited just outside of his old apartment, where he was shot. In fact, I took my son there for the first time earlier this year, and took some pictures, which I had already shared. It feels appropriate to share them again here on this, of all days, as well. There was a feeling of serenity and reverence at Strawberry Fields not all that different than being in a place of worship. One of these days, I intend to go there on the anniversary of his death, as well as on his birthday, which should bring extra added significance.

Strawberry Fields

A place of quiet reflection. A little bit different than, say, Dealey Plaza in Dallas, the site of the Kennedy assassination. After all, this was not the spot where Lennon was actually shot. Secondly, it does not quite dominate the city or a large part of it's history in the same way that the Kennedy assassination does for Dallas. Still, this is a powerful place, a tribute to the late Beatle, and a gift to the city by his widow, Yoko Ono. I had been here once or twice before, but really made a point of taking some nice pictures this time around:

35 Years Ago: John Lennon Murdered (NBC News Archived Video):

Remembering John Lennon, 35 years after his death by Todd Leopold, CNN, December 7, 2015

John Lennon's Last Days: A Remembrance by Yoko Ono, December 23, 2010:

How the World Reacted to John Lennon’s Death 35 Years Ago by Lily Rothman, Dec. 8, 2015:
John Lennon fans offer peaceful tributes to slain Beatle at Central Park’s Strawberry Fields memorial 35 years after his death BY JOSEPH STEPANSKY, STEPHEN REX BROWN  NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Tuesday, December 8, 2015: - new york - top&_gup=Facebook&_gsc=CF2poEE

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