Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Gearing Up to Do Push-Ups Right

It's summer again, and so time to try and whip yourself back into shape, right?

I'm beginning to. And after a very stressful cold season (anyone who follows my blog regularly, or knows me personally, is familiar with why, exactly, this has been a stressful time in my life), I have to admit that I packed on some pounds.

So, lately, I have started taking up hiking, one of my favorite "go to" exercises, if you will. Walking is enjoyable, but hiking is a full out workout, if done right. I have been taking my son as well, and will be adding a blog entry soon, with pictures, to illustrate some of these recent experiences.

But in any case, I also want to start implementing an exercise regimen, to go along with hiking and better eating habits, and all of those good things that go with a healthier you.

And in that spirit, it seemed appropriate to share this article about the best push-ups for maximum effect. Here's the link:

The Push-Up Primer: Fix Your Weak Core Muscles by Alex Allan

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