Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Hypocrisy of Mother's Day & the Present Political Climate in the US

I was saddened when Stephen Colbert decided to leave The Colbert Report in order to replace Dave Letterman on the Late Night Show, and saddened again to learn that Jon Stewart was leaving the Daily Show later this year.

But we still have John Oliver, if only once a week, and he makes some poignant points, using one of the most effective tools out there in order to do it: humor.

For Mother's Day, Oliver blasted the American policy, or lack thereof, towards new mothers, pointing out that it is only one of two nations on Earth (Papua New Guinea being the other) that does not provide new mothers with paid maternity leave.

Since I have been on a rant today with my blog entries regarding what seems to be to be backwards American policies, this seemed a fitting post to include in that spirit, as well.

Here is the Mother's Day clip from Oliver's show, where he points out the lunacy and hypocrisy of Republicans (although I suspect Democrats should not be spared) who wear their love of mothers and motherhood on their sleeve, even while doing all that they can to make motherhood in this country more difficult:

John Oliver Pummels Republicans Who ‘Love’ Moms But Oppose Paid Maternity Leave (VIDEO) AUTHOR: VERA MAY 11, 2015:

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