Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Alice Cooper Recalls Dinner With David Bowie and Ray Bradbury

I thought that this was pretty cool, and worth sharing!

Alice Cooper recalls his dinner with David Bowie and Ray Bradbury!

Can you imagine being a fly on the wall for that conversation?

Alice Cooper on His Dinner With David Bowie and Ray Bradbury "It was really interesting, because these guys were in outer space somewhere," singer says  BY KORY GROW February 8, 2016


  1. Haven't checked out that article yet, though I will. Not surprised by the company he kept, seeing as Alice Cooper was considered pretty out there back in the day himself. Somewhere I still have a postcard of this image of him with Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dalí:

  2. He definitely met some interesting people, for sure. I'm quite sure that he's one of those interesting people to meet, for that matter.
