Friday, March 27, 2020

Americans Continue to Set Bar Really, Really Low as the World Watches

Earlier today, I was commenting on someone's link about basically how low the standards have gotten here in the United States. Yesterday, for example, I mentioned how President Trump's approval ratings right now match their highest ever. As of yesterday, 49 percent of Americans - almost one in two - believe that he is doing a good job.

That, despite his criminal behavior which was exposed during the whole impeachment trial, even if it was conveniently ignored by Republicans, who were able to kill the impeachment process.

And that, despite his clear and undeniable downplaying of the whole coronavirus, trying at every turn to minimize it, in efforts that seemed to contribute, frankly, to the epidemic getting as serious here in the United States as it has gotten. He attempted to brush it off, claiming in late February that the cases would go down to zero within a couple of weeks. As of right now, the United States has more confirmed cases of Covid-19 than any other country.

Yet, Donald Trump wants to rush the end of the social distancing effort meant to keep the coronavirus in check, against the best advice of nearly all of the experts. He claimed that he wanted business back in full swing and full churches by Easter, which is just weeks away. Again, so far, the confirmed cases have only risen, and the United States has just reached the 1,000 mark in terms of deaths from coronavirus. It seems sometimes that Trump's only real source of concern is the stock market, which has obviously taken quite a hit due to the coronavirus, and the social distancing efforts, with most businesses either open on a limited basis, or outright closed. 

Trump has pretty much mishandled every aspect of the coronavirus, much like he has mishandled his entire poor excuse for a presidency. He has helped to erode our constitutional rights, the same ones that he swore to uphold during his oath in office. He has pulled the United States out of binding international treaties. He has polarized the nation like nobody else before in our lifetimes, despite claiming that he would be the "president for all Americans." At every turn, he has continually embarrassed and disgraced his country and himself, and boasted with transparent lies that are easily refuted with simple fact checking. Even his political allies admit that he is far from truthful with everything.

Surely, a country that claims to pride itself on greatness would hurriedly get rid of such a blight on the American legacy, right?

Again, recent polls suggest that he has the highest approval ratings that he has ever had. And worse: a recent poll shows that a wide majority of Americans actually support how he has handled this whole coronavirus calamity.

What has happened in this country, that we have collectively lowered our standards so severely that such a ridiculous man slowly but surely gains favor in terms of approval from the American people, while having done absolutely nothing whatsoever to earn that level of trust. He continues to feed his willfully blindly loyal supporters - who number in the tens of millions - and they just continue to support everything that he does, even as it undermines almost everything that the country once was, and almost every idea that the country once stood for.

As a country, the United States has a serious problem with staggering levels of immaturity, and we have the ultimate manchild now serving in our highest office as permanent proof and testament to just how low we can collectively go. 

Our Founding Fathers are probably rolling over in their grave.

Trump’s Handling of Coronavirus Approved by 60% in Gallup Poll By Justin Sink March 24, 2020

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