Saturday, March 21, 2020

Visiting Skylands Park During the Coronavirus Crisis

Yesterday, my son and I got out of the house for a bit and went to get some fresh air at Skylands Botanical Gardens in Ringwood, New Jersey. It was the first full day of spring, and it was a real gem of a day, feeling almost like a summer afternoon, rather than just hours removed from still officially being winter.

We tried to stay away from other people as much as possible, practicing the recommended "social distancing." But it was nice to get out a bit for some fresh air.

Still, there were reminders of the crisis, as all of the buildings on the grounds were closed to the public, including the restrooms.

But it was just nice to get some air and a change of scenery, and soak up some sun, while spending quality time with my kid.

Here are some pictures:


  1. What wonderful memories you've brought back to us with these photos. This place always gave me a sense of peace and well-being. Thanks, Charlie!

  2. I love this park, too. What a privilege to live as close as we did. Sebast enjoys it, too.

  3. There is a couple or maybe more people hiding under the pines tree, they're on top of some sort of of boxes or maybe their suitcases. It's hard to figure out what are they doing or what are they waiting for.
