Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Problems With Democratic Primaries Continue Now Into Super Tuesday

The Democrats have already had some mishaps in this primary season, even though it is still early in the race.

Today is Super Tuesday, and the results today could go a long way towards determining who the eventual nominee is for the Democrats.

Already, there are reports of shady things happening in one of the biggest states, one of the biggest prizes out there: Texas.

Not surprisingly, it is minorities who are most affected.

Despicable and disgusting.

One of my friends on Facebook posted this, and there was a comment suggesting that this is the only way that Republicans knew how to win. When I pointed out that Republicans really were not in this particular race, another person asked me if I thought that Democrats were capable of this kind of a thing. This is how I responded:

Not sure who specifically is responsible, and I certainly hope that it will be revealed. But let's put it this way: I don't believe that the Democrats are somehow incapable or above doing that. There already have been more than one snafu with the Democrats in these primaries, after all, and we have only had four of them. And again, this primary today really has little to nothing to do with Republicans specifically, who have no real stake in this particular primary. Or, perhaps it is just a bunch of racists in powerful positions who want to make a statement to minorities. Personally, my suspicion is that whoever is responsible surely stands to benefit. Let's see what the results are, and why. 

After all, many Democrats are trying to stop Bernie Sanders from winning, regardless of how this is done. Some are threatening to take the nomination away from Sanders at the convention with Superdelegates, even if Bernie wins a majority of states and votes. And let us not forget how shady Hillary Clinton was in 2016, by asking for help from the Democratic leadership and receiving it (both  quite transparently illegal), by getting huge sums of money from Wall Street big banks and major corporations and refusing to reveal just how much money she was paid, by having her former President husband, Bill Clinton, meet with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the tarmac of a public airport (briefly shutting it down in the process) so that they could shoot the breeze, and then, supposedly mysteriously, having an active investigation into Hillary Clinton end just days later. And let us not forget that Hillary Clinton illegally received a question from Donna Brazile that would be given to her at a presidential debate. That kind of conduct does not exactly inspire confidence or trust in your candidate, yet mainstream, establishment Democrats acted shocked - Shocked! - that there were trust issues from potential voters regarding Hillary Clinton, and the Democrats more specifically. 

I did not add all of that, but those are just some of the most obvious reasons why it seems obvious to me that the Democrats are willing to go to extraordinary lengths to make sure that they get the results that they want. They already have shown a willingness to cheat. So how can it be shocking to imagine them doing so again?

We already saw the fiasco with the Iowa caucus, and some shady things in the Nevada caucus, as well. Now, here is another such story in Texas.


Please click the link below and take a look at this article, which reveals the shameful attempts to try and silence the voice of many Americans from exercising their right to vote:

Black and Latino Texas Voters Get Stuck in Long Super Tuesday Lines By JULIA CRAVEN  MARCH 04, 2020:


Texas closes hundreds of polling sites, making it harder for minorities to vote by Richard Salame, Mon 2 Mar 2020.
Guardian analysis finds that places where black and Latino population is growing by the largest numbers experienced the majority of closures and could benefit Republicans


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