Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Sick of the Democrats & the Broken, Two-Party System. Now is the Time For Real, Meaningful Change

Earlier today, I responded to a Facebook post from a guy who's opinion I normally agree with. He, like me, seems to lean towards Bernie Sanders, and so he was assessing the likeliest scenarios for the Democrats, and said that a contested convention where a real fight ensues is likely.

He was not so much stating his own opinions or hopes, but merely what he believes will happen. Speculation.

Frankly, though, I am losing interest in anything to do with the Democrats. For decades now, the Democrats have found new and interesting, even improbable, ways of losing elections. Twice, I have seen them win the majority of votes, only to somehow lose the election, and in 2016, they received nearly three million more votes, yet still officially lost! Yet, they never seem to learn any meaningful lessons, and are blatantly corrupt, and constantly settling for mediocrity in their candidates, actively fighting against people who actually inject a little excitement and enthusiasm with a true grassroots movement. In so doing, they are hardly behaving like a serious opposition party, much less one that is named after the democratic process. They talk in platitudes, saying enough to sound halfway decent on the surface, than proving to be anything but when you look at their record.

Enough is enough.

Establishment Democrats are already trying to urge Bernie supporters to accept Biden and/or blaming them if they opt not to support Biden, should he indeed become the nominee (as I am guessing he will be). But personally, I do not think that I can do that. 

So, here is what I said to the guy, in response to his predictions (which, in fact, may or may not prove accurate):

Usually, I agree with what you say. But not this time. There are too many clouds hanging over the anti-Bernie faction. A lot of shady nonsense involving Hillary getting the nod in 2016, and with poll places unexpectedly closing in some of the states, and the whole Iowa debacle this time around, I feel that enough is enough. Biden is mediocrity personified, the equivalent of Hillary 2020. To say that he is better than Trump is hardly saying much. In fact, he is perhaps not as bad as Trump, but he is not good. Universal healthcare will go out the window, as will serious and meaningful environmental policies. The for profit prison system will remain, legalized marijuana will be stalled, and big money will remain both in elections and in Washington, influencing policies that are not in the interests of average Americans. He represents politics as usual,and apparently, the establishment Democrats learned nothing from 2016, because politics as usual is more hated and distrusted then ever before, and for good reason. We need a third option in the United States. Two major parties, both of whom are beholden to private special interests and serve them before they serve the best interests of the American people, are not enough. Other countries have far more than we do. Canada, which has a tenth of our population, has five major parties. Most other advanced democracies do, as well. It's time to try and establish that here in reality, as well. Trump certainly does not represent any political expression that I can support, but neither does Biden. It's a broken system, rigged against us. It's time to break the broken system.

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