Friday, March 6, 2020

My First 24-Hour Day Off in Six Weeks

Sometimes, without even quite realizing it, you find yourself falling into a routine where you are working so many shifts and hours, that it feels almost like that is your life, and the time away feels only like a brief interruption.

The past few weeks felt like that. I work overnights, and that begins at 10pm. Between my two jobs, and some extra shifts that I picked up, as well as at least one switch with another coworker, it just happened that I worked at least those two hours (which is saying nothing of the time to get ready and drive to work, not to mention the nap needed to stay awake and alert for the shift) every day for those six weeks or so.

And so, this was a day that I had been looking forward to for quite some time. Weeks, literally.

I spent it doing very little, by design. Slept quite a lot, taking a nice long nap in the late morning into the afternoon. Went for a walk on a beautiful day for it. Did some light reading, and some writing. Watched some television and movies. And mostly just stayed in and relaxed the whole day.

It was nice! A seemingly rare chance to recharge my batteries a bit. 

Also, it reminded me of the need to have such days off more often. 

Hope everyone out there is doing well, and talk soon!

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