Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Snowy February in New Jersey

Earlier today, I saw someone on Facebook from Canada mention that they are being hit particularly hard there this winter, and she asked if it was just them, or if others are getting hit hard.

So, I decided to respond. Here is what I said:

In New Jersey, we have had one of the snowiest months of February in history, and we are about to get slammed once again tonight thru Friday. The temperatures have been at or below freezing, with a few exceptions at the peak daylight hours. Plus, the Midwest just got hit hard by a freezing winter storm, which included the entire state of Texas, even though much of Texas is warm enough to have palm trees. Earlier this year, the West Coast got hit hard with snow, and maybe a week or two ago, Seattle hit record cold temperatures. Hell I have seen numerous pictures this year of parts of Europe under a blanket of white snow, including Paris, which only gets snow these days relatively rarely. Everyone is ready for this winter to end. Let's remember that spring is next month, so there is light at the end of the tunnel. On the other hand, Canada is famous for having cold and snowy winters, so you probably have it more extreme than we do. What part of Canada are you from? 

Seemed strange to me that someone from Canada was worried about the snow and the cold. After all, as I mentioned to her, that is one country absolutely famous for cold and snow and long winters, along with Russia and the Nordic (Scandinavian) countries of Europe. 

In any case, this has been a particularly cold and snowy winter, at least compared to what we here in Jersey have grown accustomed to in recent years. So here are some pictures of cold, snowy winter landscapes, although most of these were taken from previous years.


Roosevelt Park

A solitary lampost stands guard, draped in a snowy landscape.

Bright red berries add a splash of color to the winter wonderlandscape of white snow, and bare brown tree bark.  Roseland, New Jersey

Photography is a growing hobby of mine. I never took any classes or anything like that. Hell, I took these pictures on my Kindle, which has served as my only camera for quite some time now. But still, I am learning. So, if you have any advice, or pointers, please don't hesitate! I'd love to learn more!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, although these were taken over the course of several years, some are far back as 2013 or 2014 (the more blurry ones). In fact, I do not think that there are any pictures in this particular collection of snowfall from this pretty snowy winter, truth be told. But yes, I agree that they came out rather nicely. Thanks again!
