Saturday, April 10, 2021

A Huge Thank You To An Anonymous Someone...

Earlier today, in the hour in between the end of my overnight shift and the beginning of my morning shift for the weekend job, I lost my wallet.
How did that happen?

Normally, I really like to get a nice, hot cup of coffee and possibly breakfast at Wawa's, which is fairly close by. This I did, and everything seemed fine, except that I got the impression of holding up the line. So I stuffed my wallet in my side pocket of my jacket, instead of putting it on the inside pocket and zipping it up, which is how I normally would do it. Grabbed my stuff and went to the car, and then pulled out, wanting to maximize the free time before my shift started.

But when I got to the spot I usually go to to relax, something was missing. I patted around my jacket, but could not find my wallet anywhere. I got out of the car and searched around, looked under the seat and anywhere else it could be.


It hardly seemed possible that I would have dropped it. But then it came to me: I did stuff it in my side pocket, which is unusual. It might have slipped out, without my knowing. 

My nervousness grew as I drove back to Wawa. There were a ton of cars there now, it seemed. I looked in the parking spots, but there was nothing. Went inside, asked the main cashier, who asked over the headphones if anyone had turned in a wallet. Nope.

So feeling very nervous, and already thinking about how I would have to call the card companies and all of that to cancel the credit cards, I decided to go out looking once again, perhaps a bit more thoroughly. There was a police officer coming in, and I asked him, but understandably, he did not know, and suggested I ask inside, which was already a fait accompli. 

But when I began looking a little more thoroughly, really taking a look at the parking lot spots near where I had parked earlier, I heard someone call out my name in full. The man was in a nice car, and he confirmed my name and address. He said he had just tried to call me, and that he had been about to drive to my home, which was not a short drive. 

I was very thankful, and offered him $20, which he refused. Still, I thanked him for his honesty, and shook his head (I forgot about Covid-19 protocols in my enthusiasm). He said that he understood how that makes for a shitty morning.

Yes, but he made my morning much, much brighter with his honesty. Indeed, I thanked him, but wanted to thank him here again, even though he is not likely to see or know about it. It seems to me like I owe a a random act of kindness or two in the near future.

Thank you!


  1. I'm glad this guy was honest, and that you got your wallet back. I think most of us have been in similar situations at some point. I'm not entirely sure why you felt it was appropriate to shake his head, however. Even if it weren't for Covid, that still seems inappropriate, and something which may give him second thoughts about doing the right thing in the future.

    1. Well, sometimes you just have to go that extra mile, you know?
