Sunday, April 26, 2015

Earth Day Week: Jesse Ventura Explains Why Water is the New Gold

Earth from Space with Stars

Photo courtesy of DonkeyHotey Flickr Page:

The old button from the Environmental Club days which I just happened to find on Earth Day! It is a little beat up (particularly the ends of the ribbon), but no worse for the wear, I think. And it is one of the few items that I have left from those days, so it carries a lot of great memories for me! Nothing Changes Until You Do!

Here is a picture of a very similar logo, with the same message, that was on the t-shirt that I purchased from the BCC Environmental Club and, if memory serves me correctly, may even have helped to make. There were a few projects like that which club members, myself included, were regularly involved with. It has been so long, however, that I no longer recall specifically if I actually helped to make these or not, although I do believe so, since I remember seeing the process of the t-shirts being dyed. In any case, I loved this t-shirt, and have kept it ever since, even if I do not regularly wear it. Since it was part of my experience with the BCC Environmental Club days, as well as more generally having an environmental theme, it seemed appropriate to share it here. 

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's gred."

~Mahatma Gandhi

"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."
~John F. Kennedy  

By now, we all know, or should know, that the inevitable decrease of the world's resources as they get dug up and used up, combined with an ever increasing global population, is a recipe for disaster.

One of the world's resources that is most in demand these days is, understandably, water. After all, everyone needs water, and on an everyday basis, merely to survive. We need to drink it, and we need plants and animals (our food supply) to drink it, in order to survive.

Many predicted that water would be the new oil in the 21st century - the liquid that nations wage war over.

Indeed, given the serious issues with water that California is presently experiencing, as well as the issues for quite a few nations and regions around the world regarding the same, we can already clearly see just how serious this can get!

Jesse Ventura, the former Governor of Minnesota (and pro-wrestler), speaks a little bit here about why water is the new gold.

Also, a hopeful couple of articles just underneath that about the exciting possibility of converting salt water into drinking water!

Jesse Ventura: Water is the New Gold, published in Off the Grid, April 18, 2015:


A Simple Solar Oven Makes Salt Water Drinkable Paradigm Shift, Mar 8, 2014:

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