Friday, October 31, 2014

How Would Sweden's 30-Hour Work Week Work in the US?

Now, this was a very interesting article!

I remember when France attempted to reduce the workweek to 30 hours, and it did not actually work all that well.

In Sweden, however, the have made it work. It really is remarkable, how effectively those Scandinavian countries seem to lead the way in these kinds of things!

In any case, yes, it apparently is working fairly well in Sweden, and so the question is asked, as always: would it work in the United States?

But truth be told, I do not see it ever being attempted in the United States - at least not in my lifetime. Everyone wants to be rich, everyone thinks that they are going to be rich, somehow. Everyone thinks that luxuries for themselves, and tons of luxuries for the privileged few, are more important than taking care of the needs of the many. Those are the priorities in the United States today, in the present climate, unfortunately. So, the point is pretty well moot before it ever even gets off the ground.

Still, an interesting article, and if you want to take a look for yourself, just click on the link below:

COULD SWEDEN’S SIX-HOUR WORKDAY WORK IN AMERICA? by Lisa Wirthman^eyJocmVmIjoiaHR0cDovL3d3dy5zbGF0ZS5jb20vYmxvZ3MveHhfZmFjdG9yLzIwMTQvMTAvMjkvY2F0Y2FsbGluZ192aWRlb19ob2xsYWJhY2tfc19sb29rX2F0X3N0cmVldF9oYXJhc3NtZW50X2luX255Y19lZGl0ZWRfb3V0Lmh0bWwiLCJhZFVuaXQiOnsic2VydmVyIjoiZGZwIiwiaWQiOiIvOTE4OTgwOTgvc2xhdGUucG9sYXIiLCJzaXplIjoiNXg1IiwidGFyZ2V0cyI6e319LCJsYWJlbCI6IlN0b3J5IFJhaWwgMiIsInNlbGVjdG9yIjoiI3JyLXJlc3VsdHMgLml0ZW06ZXEoNikiLCJjcmVhdGl2ZSI6IjJlMmM3ZWE5NDBiYTQ5NDI5NmJjYTE3ZTg1MDhlOTlkIiwiZXhwZXJpZW5jZVR5cGUiOiJpbmJvdW5kIn0%3D

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