Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Stupid FOX News Traveling Article

I happened to be surfing the web, and ran into this ridiculous article about the most disappointing travel destinations.

I happened on Paris, and saw the trashy comments filled with stereotypes and such, and wondered if the author (who's specific name is not listed) had actually ever been to Paris. Then, I noticed that the article was from FOX News, and I sighed.

Same old same old.

There were other things, too. Whoever wrote the article also mentioned that the Pyramids of Egypt were extremely disappointing. I can see that people asking you for money repeatedly would indeed be annoying and problematic for people. However, complaining that you can see the Pyramids from a Pizza Hut is kind of absurd. I mean, don't get me wrong. It certainly is not thrilling that you can indeed see the pyramids (apparently, if this article is to be believed) from a Pizza Hut. However, scrutinize the words carefully. It does not read that you can see Pizza Hut from the pyramids, but the other way around. Let us remember that the pyramids are over 100 metres tall, and can be seen from quite far away. Frankly, dismissing the pyramids for such superficial reasons is more a testament to the ignorance of the author than the value of going to someplace like the pyramids. I have never been, but would imagine that it is a dream destination, and the sense of wonderment that one must get while there, puzzling over how the ancients moved those enormous stones and built such tremendous monuments that have withstood the test of time must be amazing!

The article is as dismissive with Stonehenge, as well as Venice.

Let me just say this much: one of my top destinations would be Venice, and I would pretty much love to see any and all of the destinations on this list that I have not yet been to. It certainly will not be a stupid article where tremendous ignorance is on display both in the article and perhaps especially in the comments section that will prevent me. If I go and find these places disappointing, then it will be based on my own experiences, and not those of an obviously slanted, and seemingly prejudiced journalist who's mind was made up before he or she ever went to these destinations. This article was so infuriating that I had to pull myself away with that sense of resignation and frustration, because people just seem so entrenched in their viewpoints to hate and fear things that are different, as well as to unquestioningly believe everything that others say to reinforce stupid stereotypes.

In any case, here is the worthless article, just in case anyone else wants to take a look at it. I also included my own comments below the link, which I could not find later in the evening, when I checked.

The Most Disappointing Travel Destinations on Earth by FOX News


The description of Paris here seems very slanted and, frankly, prone more to stereotypes than anything else. Typical of many Americans in particular who often have not been there, but regale anyone within hearing distance about how everyone is rude there, how it smells (like urine, according to this silly story), and that it is dirty. I have heard the same criticisms heaped upon New York City, for that matter. What a shock that this absurd article comes from FOX, huh? A city that can boast the history and beauty of Paris does not need a seal of approval from Fox News. It has the Louvre museum, filled with some of the greatest art works of western civilization. It has countless beautiful gardens and water fountains, the charms of Monmartre and other artist districts. It mixes romance and beauty with modernity like few cities can, although you would never know it by reading this article. I wonder if the author actually went to Paris and, if so, did they go with their minds made up that they were not going to like it? I have been to Paris numerous times, and experienced NONE of this. Ever. This sounds like leftovers from the French-bashing of a little over a decade ago, rather than a "fair and balanced" critique. Also, someone went all the way to Egypt and spent fifteen minutes at the pyramids? Really? You expect anyone to believe that someone would spend tons of money to go all the way out there and literally not spend more than a quarter of an hour at one of the wonder of the worlds? And Stonehenge is a big disappointment, huh? Again, whoever would bother to go all the way there, only to dismiss it with such idiotic arguments as the ones in this article is a moron who has no real interest in serious traveling and exploring what other places and cultures actually have to offer. Thus, they are, frankly, unworthy of the attention that this article, unfortunately prominently promoted, will receive. This is trashy, and is itself indicative of an "ugly American" view of the world. And I'm willing to bet that the author of this crap would then probably not understand why much of the rest of the world criticizes such Americans harshly. Again, though, this is FOX, and that is pretty much all you need to know. Going above and beyond to discredit itself, as usual.

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