Okay, okay, I will admit that it is getting ridiculous, just how many blog entries I have had about Chris Cornell as of late.
But the guy is on tour, I am a fan of his on Facebook, and there just seems to be one fascinating article after another with the guy.
In this latest one, he takes a moment off from his Australia tour to talk with Rolling Stone, and he discusses what works and what might not work with his live solo shows, and how the Paris attacks altered his own sense of what one particular song in his most recent album, Higher Truth, now means. Also, he discusses Temple of the Dog, as well as how his voice has changed over time.
Fascinating stuff, and I recommend it for any fans of Cornell, Temple of the Dog, Soundgarden, or Audioslave:
Chris Cornell on Paris Terror Attacks: "I Have a Hard Time Talking About It"
Enough with the Chris Cornell entries already, fanboy! Just kidding. I noticed that article cited the death toll for the Bataclan as 89 - I was under the impression that it had hit triple digits? Not that I want to be right about this, obviously, but I could have sworn it was at least 100. I can understand his feeling conflicted as to whether or not to address it at his gigs. On the one hand, "serious" artists, i.e. those whose lyrics aren't all fluff along the lines of "♫The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, I'm in love, isn't that fucking great♫?" are often inclined to acknowledge some of the major headlines that hit close to home, as this one clearly did for him. On the other hand, there's also something to be said for concerts essentially being entertainment, a brief respite from this fucked-up world we live in. And as he accurately acknowledges, there's not a whole hell of a lot people could even do if they DID spot some whack-jobs entering the venue with such malicious intent. Have you noticed that "your friend and mine", Jello Biafra (that's one of his catchphrases in quotation marks as you know) has been strangely silent about this by the way, along with the Charlie Hebdo attacks earlier this year? At least, if he's commented about it, I for one certainly haven't heard anything.