Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Nordstrom Selling Fashionable Dirty Jeans With Fake Mud on Them for Over $400

This is a story that I wish was not real, and indeed, it is indicative of some real decadence within the country.

Yes, Nordstrom really is selling men's jeans for well over $400 that will give the wearer a more rugged, working feel to it.

The thing is, jeans like this generally are much cheaper, because guys who wear jeans like this actually tend to do some real work in order to get their jeans to look like this - and not by choice. 

Indeed, these days, many people want that worn out look for their jeans. They want a dirty, worn look for them, and want that "authentic" worker's look. 

But actual workers do not buy jeans for over $400. That's insane! And they do not wear rugged, worn down or dirty looking jeans by choice.

If you have to spend $400 for a pair of jeans to make it look like you have actually done some work, then you have some issues. To me, that is hardly better - if indeed it is better at all - then Hillary Clinton wearing an outfit that costs over $12,000 while giving a speech on economic inequality. Frankly, both are insulting, and a real sign of decadence, that some people just have too much money, that they do not know what to do with it. 

Truth be told, if you cannot think of anything better to do with $400 than to spend them on a pair of jeans, then you not only lack imagination, but you lack a sense of perspective. Most likely, for that matter, you are criminally unaware of how much people in this country - let alone in the rest of the world - are struggling. That is especially true for people who apparently are willing to spend such ridiculous prices in order to appear like real workers. Again, people who work and, if you will, "earn" jeans that look like this do not do so out of some strange fashion sense, or to be cool or trendy. They do it because they have no choice, because you have to wear something while you are out working, and yes, sometimes your jeans are going to get a it dirty or beaten up.

Shame on Nordstrom's for exploiting this, and shame on anyone willing to spend any money - let alone such ridiculous sums of money - in order to try and get jeans with a dirty look or feel, in order to try and be trendy or fashionable! 

I cannot afford to shop at Nordstrom's, but if I could, I would boycott their ridiculous stores just for this alone!


  1. I don't appreciate this need to call out my wardrobe preferences in public. STOP JUDGING ME! *Cue theatrical, over the top sobbing*
