Thursday, May 7, 2020

Another Pointless Exchange With a Trump Fan

Yes, I know. What's the point of even bothering getting in any kind of political argument with Trump fans? My girlfriend told me the same thing, once I betrayed my annoyance at a high school classmate, and loyal, brainwashed Trump supporter, once again commenting on one of my Facebook posts.

On top of it, it was not even a political post. It was an article about how the northeast of the United States is expecting a snowstorm tomorrow, even though we are now well into May.

Somehow, though, he decided to make what he must have taken as a witty point. He said that Democrats were always telling him about global warming, and then essentially questioned how there could be global warming if it was currently significantly cooler in Florida right now than it normally would be in May. 

Admittedly, I did not let this go unanswered. He had made a few other comments and taken a couple of little, pointless political jab, no doubt sure that he was either proving a point, or owning a media brainwashed libtard, or whatever the hell else he thought he was accomplishing. But this time, I answered him pretty directly.

Here was my response:

If you're going to comment on global warming, then educate yourself on  the subject enough to comment on it intelligently. The name global warming doesn't mean it just gets warmer and warmer, all of the time, everywhere in the world. Scientists warned that weather patterns would grow more extreme, which they have.  And the general trend has been that it grows warmer, which they also have. More extreme weather conditions have indeed become more common,  if you have not noticed. It's not because it's an unusually chilly day in Florida that you prove that weather patterns around the world are not changing and growing more extreme. Why didn't you criticize global warming when there were record hot temperatures in the Southwest of the United States, or Australia, or Saudi Arabia in 2017, or when all of those record hot temperatures were eclipsed in those same exact places again in 2019, as well as in Europe, and even in the Arctic, which saw heat in the 90's for the first time ever? Of course, I urge you to check all of these things for yourself, instead of taking my word for it. Also, I notice that you like labels and name-calling. You use "Democrats" as if it were a bad word. I'm not a Democrat (and sure the hell am not a Republican, either), but this is not some kind of checkmate kind of move on your part. Perhaps you think that enhances your argument. It doesn't.  Get over yourself.

Hopefully, that did not come across as especially nasty. But if it did, so be it. 

Sometimes, you just have to call a spade a spade. If he does not want to receive annoyed, snarky comments in the future, then perhaps he can avoid taking little political shots on my non-political (or even some of my outright political) posts in the future. 

Somehow, though, I get a feeling that he won't, though. Trump fans often cannot help themselves.

Oh, well. What can you do?

This was effectively just a little jab to keep him a bit more distant, like a boxer might use to serve as a warning to an opponent. But frankly, these exchanges are exhausting, and feel pointless. Not sure why I even bother continuing to argue with Trump fans. What's the point?

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