Friday, May 29, 2020

The Borowitz Report Again Blasts Whiny Melting Snowflake Trump

Earlier this week, for the first time. Twitter fact-checked one of President Trump's tweets.

As you can imagine from the thin orange skin that Trump has proven to have time and time again, he went ballistic, and threatened to shut down Twitter and Facebook and other social media sites. He is actually trying to pursue this, reasoning that he is protecting free speech.

Really? By shutting down speech on social media sites?

What a ridiculous farce this man and his pathetic excuse for a presidency is. Frankly, it sometimes all feels like a joke, albeit a very bad one.

In any case, as ridiculous and virtually comical as this clown act presidency has been (were it not actually quite tragic by virtue of it being real, and actually hurting people in this country and in the world more generally), he apparently not joking.

Well, Andy Borowitz is a comedian who has just been on top of his game throughout this Trump presidency, because Trump gives comedians so much - frankly, far too much - material to work with. He has been writing his "Borowitz Report" for some time now, and usually, they are quite humorous and clever. He kind of hit it out of the park with this one, where he imitates (like the Onion) an actual news story, in which Trump is livid after being spellchecked in one of his tweets, and claiming that he is being treated most unfairly.

It is funny, because it is not all that much of an exaggeration, frankly. We have never seen such a privileged, pampered, spoiled rotten adult human being ever in history, I think. And what is worse, he complains more than anyone that I have ever heard of about how unfairly he is being treated! Really, it is so ridiculous. He is like a bratty frat boy, and sometimes, he actually does remind me of one of those decadent Roman emperors that contributed so much towards the decline of Rome. Trump is definitely a marker of the turn of fortune of the United States, from a great and respected leading world power, to the butt end of jokes around the world.

Again, it is not entirely funny. Frankly, it is sad. But what are you going to do? You have to laugh, otherwise, you might just cry for the country, and for all that we have lost with such mediocrity in our highest office. 

Below is the link to the recent humor piece by Borowitz:

Satire from The Borowitz Report Trump Lashes Out at Spell-Check for Treating Him Unfairly  By Andy Borowitz:

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