Saturday, July 11, 2020

New York's Mayor De Blasio Uses President's Hateful Legacy Against Trump's Criticisms of "Black Lives Matter" Mural in Manhattan

Very recently, New York City decided to paint a "Black Lives Matter" mural just outside of Trump Tower, near Central Park and close to the Astoria Hotel. 

Predictably, this brought about outrage by a certain obscene orange creature who somehow managed to break into the Oval Office some years ago, and who has refused to leave ever since, even though it has become abundantly clear to anyone with an ounce of intelligence and/or objectivity that this ridiculous creature does not belong here. Yes, this creature went on and on about this mural near it's former home in the Big Apple. It claimed that it was essentially defacing this part of the city, and went so far as to suggest that this mural was a "symbol of hate." 

Imagine that! This hate-filled creature, who has spent years spitting venom at anything and anyone it is displeased with, has the audacity to accuse anyone else of being hateful! 

But this paradox did not go unnoticed. Or unanswered. To his credit, New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio chimed in on the subject of the mural after the well-publicized criticism. of it by Trump. Below is what DeBlasio had to say about it:

"Here’s what you don’t understand: Black people BUILT 5th Ave and so much of this nation. Your 'luxury' came from THEIR labor, for which they have never been justly compensated. We are honoring them," the mayor wrote on Twitter last week. "The fact that you see it as denigrating your street is the definition of racism."

DeBlasio's countercriticism of Trump and his rather blatant racism is quite spot on. I have not always been thrilled with DeBlasio as the mayor. There have been times that he has felt disappointing and even elitist. But in this case, he was able to deflect the criticism of the mural by Trump and point out the hypocrisy and not very subtle levels of racism behind Trump's infamous rantings and ravings. I applaud DeBlasio for his ability to voice the paradox of an elitist hate-mongerer like Trump accusing the Black Lives Matter" movement of being a "symbol of hate."

Below is the link to the article used in writing this particular blog entry:

NYC closes down stretch of Fifth Avenue at Trump Tower to paint Black Lives Matter mural by Ben Kesslen   July 9, 2020, 9:15 AM EDT By Ben Kesslen 
When the Black Lives Matter mural was announced, the president called it a "symbol of hate."

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